Pumpkin containing baked mac 'n' cheese
  • Original Cheese

Mac ‘n’ Squeeze Baked Pumpkin

Been on a pumpkin patch haul and wondering what to do with your seasonal finds? Make Halloween a real treat with our Mac ‘n’ Cheese Stuffed Pumpkin. We’ve put an autumnal twist on this classic macaroni cheese recipe which is sure to be spookalicious showstopper.

What you need

  • 1 tube of Primula Cheese ‘n’ Chives
  • 1 medium pumpkin
  • 250g macaroni pasta
  • 45g plain flour
  • 60g unsalted butter
  • 470ml whole milk
  • Panko bread crumbs
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How you do it

  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

  2. Thoroughly wash your pumpkin to remove any dirt, and dry.

  3. Using a large knife, starting from one side of the stem, carefully cut through the pumpkin until you’ve cut it round to the other side of the stem. Using your hands, pull the pumpkin apart.

  4. Scoop out the seeds and discard.

  5. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt. Then bake cut side up for 10-15 minutes.

  6. To a pot of salted boiling water, add your macaroni and cook until al dente.

  7. Drain the macaroni and stir in a large knob of butter.

  8. Over a medium heat, melt the butter in a pan and add in the flour, whisking continuously until combined.

  9. Slowly pour in the whole milk, stirring until a thick, lump-free sauce forms.

  10. Remove from heat and squeeze in half a tube of Primula Cheese ‘n’ Chives and season with salt and pepper to taste.

  11. Pour your sauce over the cooked macaroni and stir to combine.

  12. Spoon mac and cheese into the baked pumpkin and top with a sprinkling of panko bread crumbs and squeeze over the rest of the Primula Cheese ‘n’ Chives.

  13. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the panko bread crumbs are golden brown and the Primula Cheese is melted.

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